
Oct 4, 2021

lil SOLID 2.0 — discover the possibilities of our new tobacco heater.

3 back-to-back experiences.


If you don't like to wait while the heater charges between one tobacco stick and the next, lil SOLID 2.0 will certainly suit your taste. Whenever you feel like it, you can heat up a second and third tobacco stick without having to wait for the device to get ready. What's more, the device can heat up to 25 sticks on a single charge (subject to battery performance degradation and conditions of use). These features suit a variety of needs. lil SOLID 2.0 has been designed to be used only with Fit tobacco sticks. The performance of the device is not guaranteed if you use it with other consumables.

What has not changed? The technology, which ensures that the tobacco is heated from within, instead of being burnt. Aerosol is generated with real tobacco taste without fire, ash or cigarette smoke smell.


lil SOLID 2.0 — how does it work?


lil SOLID 2.0 has a 2900 mAh battery built into the heater. A fully charged device can heat approximately 25 sticks (subject to battery performance degradation and conditions of use). One stick being enough for 14 puffs or up to 5 minutes of use. lil SOLID 2.0 heats through induction. The tobacco stick is heated from the inside by a pin. This induction method ensures an even heating across the pin. A distinctive feature of lil SOLID 2.0 is the introduction of different colors of battery level notifications. This makes it easy to notice when you need to plug in the charger.

Why? The orange light means that the battery is charged to a maximum of 30%, warning the user that they are only a few sessions away from needing to charge. The process itself is done via a USB Type-C cable and an AC adapter and doesn't take long — the battery is fully charged after about two hours.


How to use lil SOLID 2.0?


Handling the heater is intuitive, with just the push of a button. First, slide down the lid and open the device, then insert the tobacco stick, and then press the button for 2 seconds. The device will turn on, vibrate, and begin the preheating process, which takes about 25 seconds. When preheating is finished, the state LED will light up and the device will vibrate again, indicating that it’s ready for use.

lil SOLID 2.0 informs you with a vibration and flashing state LED that the heating time has finished. After that signal, you can inhale 3 more times or use the device for 30 seconds. When the heating time has finished, the device switches off automatically. Turn the stick three times in one direction and remove it from the heater. You can close the cover of the stick insertion part or immediately insert another stick to repeat the process.


lil SOLID 2.0 - a modern system.


lil SOLID 2.0 is the next generation heated tobacco device. Its heater and a charger are both hidden in one, minimalist case. The device comes in two sophisticated colors to choose from — Stone Grey and Cosmic Blue.