Cze 8, 2022

Important information about the price of HEETS recommended by the manufacturer

Information on the maximum price of HEETS tobacco sticks.


In connection with the information we received from you about the differences between the price on the packs of HEETS tobacco sticks and the selling price in Żabka points of sale, we would like to emphasize that the price placed on the foil surrounding the pack of HEETS is only the maximum price recommended by Philip Morris.


Placing a maximum price was in our intention a pro-consumer action, reflecting the intent of the producer, namely, to make innovative tobacco sticks (HEETS) available at the best possible price for the consumer.


At the same time we would like to point out that the retailer has the right and freedom to set a different price - lower or higher, hence the differences in this area on the market.


Thank you for choosing our products, which we hope meet your expectations.